How to Create a Responsive Layout Grid in Figma

8 min read
July 28, 2023

Grid systems help UI designers organise elements consistently across different mediums including, mobile, tablet, and desktop.

In Figma, grid systems are called layout grids that come in different forms and sizes, which vary based on the interface you're designing for. In this article, we'll explore layout grids in Figma and guide you on creating responsive grids.

Layout grids are just one of the many functions you can explore within Figma. If you're interested in learning more about grid systems on Figma and how it works alongside other features, Designership's Ultimate Figma Masterclass Course covers the complete end-to-end process.

What is a layout grid in Figma?

Layout Grid in Figma

Layout grids act as guard rails to keep your content aligned.

In Figma, you can use layout grids on frames and components. These grids don't depend on the size of your canvas, so you can adjust them to fit your design needs. Whether you want a grid with equal-sized columns or a grid that adjusts to fit your content, Figma has options.

Choosing the proper grid layout for your design can achieve a balanced, visually pleasing result that matches your design goals and help create a more user-friendly product for your audience. This is also why it's crucial to understand the formats, types, and key elements of grid systems in Figma.

Different Grid Formats

Different Grid Formats

Figma allows you to choose which grid format to apply to your designs when applying layout grids. There are three grid format options, each with adjustable properties:

  • Uniform grid: Pixel-based grids that are evenly spaced throughout a frame. Pixels of a uniform grid are adjustable.
  • Grid with columns: Vertically aligned grids are most commonly used for web designs.
  • Grid with rows: Horizontally aligned grids are the most efficient for aligning typography.

Grid with columns and grid with rows can be applied to a single frame. This maximizes the use of layout grids within your design. Using these grid formats together can give you more control and flexibility in aligning your design elements.

Different types of layout grids

There are two types of layout grids in Figma: fixed and fluid. Each of these types can be used depending on your design needs.


Fixed - Layout Grid

In a fixed layout grid, your design elements are static. Whether the frame size or orientation changes, the grid's width and position remain the same.


Fluid - Layout Grid

Fluid layout grids, also called stretch or flexible, are dynamic grids that adjust to the size of a frame. Elements shift accordingly as the frame is resized, making the use of fluid layout grids more responsive.

When using a fluid layout grid, any size or orientation changes to the frame will automatically apply to the grid.

3 basic layout grid elements

To better understand the functionality of layout grids in Figma, there are four key terms to get familiar with.

1. Columns

Columns - Grid Element

Columns are the most used elements when it comes to responsive grid layouts. These serve as your guides on aligning your design's contents. Sectioning your design within columns also ensures the clarity and readability of your design for your users.

The number of columns, referred to as counts in Figma, in a layout grid varies depending on your frame's interface to help balance out your design. You can have up to 12 columns in Figma, but it is highly recommended that designers use the 4-point grid system where defined sizes and spaces are divisible by 4.

2. Gutters

Gutters - Grid Element

Gutters are the spaces in between your columns or rows. These provide a clear structure for separating your design across an interface. Gutters also ensure consistent spacing between your elements. Using the appropriate gutter spacing within your grid design establishes a balance between your elements, allowing you to maintain a neater-looking design.

3. Margins

Margins - Grid Element

Margins are the spaces between the edge of the interface and the first column or row of elements. They create empty areas around your grid design, which helps prevent overcrowding. These spaces provide breathing room and make your design look more balanced and organized.

Creating a responsive grid system in Figma

Now that you have a deeper understanding of a grid system let's look at how to create a responsive grid system in Figma.

Identifying breakpoints and layout changes for Responsive Web Design

Identifying Breakpoints for Responsive Web Design

Breakpoints are specific thresholds on the screen where the design layout changes. These points determine when your design will adjust based on the size of the interface. When you reach a breakpoint (usually defined by specific dimensions), elements in your design will automatically rearrange themselves to fit the interface.

Using breakpoints ensures your design looks good and functions well on different screen sizes. It allows your design to adapt and provide an optimal user experience, whether someone is viewing it on a small smartphone or a large desktop monitor.

Before applying a layout grid to a design, you'll need to identify your breakpoints first. These breakpoints indicate when your design layout will change as the screen resolution or screen size changes.

Identifying Breakpoints - 320px

On most screens, the first breakpoint starts at 320px. This means that from 320px onwards, the interface layout adapts as the screen size increases. Anything below the breakpoint would be the point where the layout would stop adjusting.

Identifying Breakpoints

As the interface expands, the layout changes and elements begin to section into different columns. The larger the screen's sizes are, the number of columns that appear on the interface increases, creating an evenly-spaced and balanced UI design.

In creating responsive designs, it is important to note that breakpoints may vary according to the website design, browser dimensions, and user's screen resolution. However, the most commonly used breakpoints include:

  • 320px — 480px - for mobile devices
  • 481px — 768px - for iPads & tablets
  • 769px — 1024px - for small screens like laptops
  • 1025px — 1200px - for large screens like Desktops
  • 1201px and above - for extra large screens like TV

Once you've identified your design's breakpoints, it's time to create your Figma frames.

Creating viewport sizes in Figma

Create Viewport Sizes in Figma

Using your identified breakpoints, head to Figma and create your frames. These frames represent the different devices that you will be designing for. Each frame would have different dimensions, with its width corresponding to your breakpoints.

Create Viewport Sizes in Figma

In grid design, these frames are called viewports. To create them:

  • Press F on your keyboard; or
  • Select the frame tool on the upper-left corner of Figma's toolbar

Designing responsive layout grids for viewport size

After creating your viewports, each would have different layout grid column counts to cater to the space you're designing for. As you increase your interface size, you also increase the column count. This ensures a balanced design as more elements are placed into the Viewport.

Apart from the column count, the layout grids' margins and gutter adjust as the interface expands. Following the 4-point grid system when identifying margin and gutter spacing is good practice, especially for creating layout grids for different displays.

In a 4-point grid system, any defined height or width must be divisible by 4 or in increments of 4. This includes line heights, paddings, margins, and gutters. Following this aligns your elements equally, as most of your content gets sectioned with an even number.

Creating a layout grid for Viewports with a 320px — 480px Breakpoint

Layout Grid for Viewports 320px — 480px Breakpoint
  1. Select the Viewport frame
  2. Click the + icon on the left panel under layout grid
  3. Click the grid icon to reveal the layout grid properties
  4. Change grid to columns
  5. Change the column count to 4
  6. Adjust the margins to 16
  7. Adjust the gutter to 8
Reposinve Layout Grid - 320px — 480px Breakpoint

Once you've created the layout grid on the Frame, make your design elements responsive by following the steps below:

  1. Create a new frame on top of your existing Viewport frame by pressing F on your keyboard
  2. Label your new frame as 'Content' or as desired
  3. Set the Constraints of your frame to Left and Right
  4. Press R on your keyboard and create a rectangle
  5. Auto layout the rectangle and the 'Content' Frame by pressing Shift + A on your keyboard
  6. Select the 'Content' frame and make the following adjustments:

    - Constraints: left and right
    - Horizontal resizing: fixed
  7. Select the rectangle and make the following adjustments:

    - Horizontal resizing: fill container
  8. Select the Auto Layout and make the following adjustments:

    - Horizontal padding: 16

Creating a layout grid for Viewports with a 481px — 768px Breakpoint

Layout Grid for Viewports 481px — 768px Breakpoint

The screen size is expected to expand for this Viewport, increasing the interface's content. To balance out the content for this Viewport:

  1. Copy [Cmd + C or Ctrl + C] and paste [Cmd + V or Ctrl + C] the 'Content frame' from the previous Viewport frame to the current Viewport frame.
  2. Copy the layout grid from the previous Viewport frame:

    - Select the layout grid on the left panel in Figma
    - Copy [Cmd + C or Ctrl + C] the layout grid from the previous Viewport frame
    - Paste [Cmd + V or Ctrl + V] the layout grid onto the new Viewport frame
  3. Click the grid icon to adjust the layout grid properties and create white spaces proportional to the margins and gutters

    - Keep margin to 16
    - Change gutter to 32
  4. Adjust your Auto Layout to align your content to the grid:

    - Auto Layout direction: Horizontal
    - Space between items: 32
  5. Duplicate [Cmd + D or Ctrl + D] the rectangle inside the 'Content' frame to see evenly distributed content

Creating a layout grid for Viewports with a 769px — 1024px Breakpoint

Layout Grid for Viewports 769px — 1024px Breakpoint

Generally, for Viewports with breakpoints above 768px, it is recommended to use a 3-column layout to be more precise with balancing out your design. Remember to follow the 4-point grid system and utilize column counts divisible by 4.

In this case, we'll use 12 columns for a 3-column content layout. To create an evenly-spaced layout grid for this Viewport:

  1. Copy the layout grid from the previous Viewport frame
  2. Click the grid icon to adjust the layout grid properties

    - Change Column Count to 12
  3. Create more white spaces that are proportional to the margins and gutters

    - Change margin to 24
    - Keep gutter to 32
  4. Copy [Cmd + C or Ctrl + C] and paste [Cmd + V or Ctrl + C] the 'Content frame' from the previous Viewport frame to the current Viewport frame.
  5. Stretch the copied 'Content frame' to occupy the whole Viewport frame.
  6. Duplicate [Cmd + D or Ctrl + D] the rectangle inside the 'Content' frame to see evenly distributed content.

    NOTE: Delete one of the content boxes to create a 3-column content layout.
  7. Adjust your Auto Layout to align your content to the grid:

    - Auto Layout direction: Horizontal
    - Space between items: 32
    - Left and right spacing: 24

Creating a layout grid for Viewports with a 1024px and above Breakpoint

Viewports higher than 1024px contain more content. The columns that structure the content go beyond 4 columns for an evenly-spaced design. Some designers with higher viewports utilize 5 columns to have a less-crowded design. For this example, we'll be using 4 columns.

In these Viewports, the margins and gutters of the interface also increase, creating more whitespace between elements placed on the design. As a result, margins and gutters typically double and are larger for better readability.

To balance out the content for this Viewport:

  1. Copy the layout grid from the previous Viewport frame
  2. Click the grid icon to adjust the layout grid properties and create white spaces proportional to the margins and gutters

    - Change margin to 80
    - Change gutter to 40
  3. Copy [Cmd + C or Ctrl + C] and paste [Cmd + V or Ctrl + C] the 'Content frame' from the previous Viewport frame to the current Viewport frame.
  4. Stretch the copied 'Content frame' to occupy the whole Viewport frame.
  5. Duplicate [Cmd + D or Ctrl + D] the rectangle inside the 'Content' frame to create 4 content boxes
  6. Adjust your Auto Layout to align your content to the grid:

    - Auto Layout direction: Horizontal
    - Space between items: 40Left and right margin: 80

It is important to note that there are no strict guidelines on how your layout grids should work. You can use any measurements for your column count, margins, gutters, and other spaces if they fit your design requirements.

If you look at any web app or website, these designs will utilize varying types of Grid layouts. If your layout grids follow the 4-point grid system, you can create a balanced design regardless of Grid type and format.

Visualizing your grid layout design

When you've laid down your layout grid onto your design, Figma allows you to visualize the responsive grid system to how it would look from a user's perspective.

Using the Figma Plugin Breakpoint, you can easily preview your responsive layout according to your Viewports:

  1. Open Figma Plugins
  2. Search for Breakpoints and open the plugin
  3. Select New Adaptive Layout
  4. Drag the Breakpoints plugin frame into a desired spot on the canvas
  5. Input your Breakpoints.

    - Make sure that the starting point on the horizontal alignment or the width is at 0 or 1
    - Click on the + icon to add your necessary Breakpoints
  6. Press the + icon under one Breakpoint and select the frame which follows the Breakpoint

    ex: Under the 320px Breakpoint, select the 320px Viewport Frame
  7. Repeat step 5 until all Breakpoints have their corresponding frames
  8. Press Cmd + G or Ctrl + G on your keyboard to toggle off the layout grid
  9. Adjust the Breakpoints plugin frame to view how your interface responds according to the different Breakpoints

Layout grids for different interfaces

Now that you've learned how to create responsive layout grids in Figma, there are still several key principles to remember when applying a responsive grid system to your design project. One of those being that grid systems are not a one-size fits all idea.

Different user interface designs, from websites to mobile applications, could have different layout grids to cater to their content. To ensure coherence, clarity, and proportionality with your designs, utilizing the 4-point Grid System can guarantee the consistency of your designs no matter the layout grid Format.

Advanced techniques in Figma

Responsive layout grids are just one of the many things to learn about Figma. If you're looking to learn more concepts like component properties, prototyping, and more, then Designership's Ultimate Figma Masterclass Course will help you better understand how to approach them.

Helping over 6,000 designers worldwide, this Figma course gives a comprehensive step-by-step guide on the end-to-end design process from ideation to developer handover and design implementation. We guide you with practical solutions, expert advice, and hands-on projects so you can make the most out of Figma's most useful features.

Whether you're a beginner seeking to grasp the fundamentals or an experienced designer aiming to refine your skills, Designership's Ultimate Figma Masterclass Course is created to empower you every step of the way.

Michael Wong
Founder of Designership & z0 Studio

Mizko, also known as Michael Wong, brings a 14-year track record as a Founder, Educator, Investor, and Designer. His career evolved from lead designer to freelancer, and ultimately to the owner of a successful agency, generating over $10M in revenue from Product (UX/UI) Design, Web Design, and No-code Development. His leadership at the agency contributed to the strategy and design for over 50 high-growth startups, aiding them in raising a combined total of over $400M+ in venture capital.

Notable projects include: Autotrader (Acquired. by eBay), PhoneWagon (Acquired by CallRails), Spaceship ($1B in managed funds), Archistar ($15M+ raised) and many more.

You can learn more about me on:
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