ChatGPT for UX Design: How to Use and Benefit from this Tool

UX Design
7 min read
October 20, 2023

AI has proven that it can significantly reduce the time it takes you to complete a UX design task. 

This includes everything from:

  • Generating design ideas
  • Writing UX microcopy 
  • Synthesizing user research 
  • and much more

But it can also make mistakes which you must be aware of, including: 

  • Outdated data 
  • False data at times
  • Irrelevant responses at times

So, let's breakdown the best ways you can use Chat GPT as a UX designer and also help you avoid the pitfalls of the tool so you don't look like a fool in front of your stakeholders.

Understanding ChatGPT in UX Design

ChatGPT has and continues to profoundly impact how we approach UX design. Let's delve into its foundations understand why it matters for UX designers.

The foundations of ChatGPT

Using OpenAI’s cutting-edge AI technology, ChatGPT is designed to understand and produce human-like text based on its training data.

While basic chatbots only react to specific prompts, ChatGPT elevates the conversation with dynamic and adaptable responses based on your specific situation or question.

With access to this technology, UX designers can automate various tasks and steps in their design process including copywriting to UX research.

While ChatGPT can be a valuable tool for UX designers, there’s so much more to unpack. Dive deeper and master strategic problem-solving with our Practical User Research and Strategy. Keep reading to find out more! 

Why UX designers should care

ChatGPT is like a personal assistant that any UX designer can use. It can speed up specific design tasks that otherwise may require time and effort, such as:

  1. Summarizing, classifying, and theming primary research insights: ChatGPT can quickly summarize and categorize the main takeaways from your user research, helping you identify key themes faster.
  2. Generating accurate placeholder content: Need content that makes sense? ChatGPT can produce relevant mockup content on the fly.
  3. UX copywriting and tweaking: Beyond just placeholders, ChatGPT can assist with refining UX copy to make it more user-friendly.

Why does this matter? Because understanding users is the heart of UX design.

By using ChatGPT as a tool to speed up certain tasks, designers can spend less time figuring things out and more time getting to the heart of crafting exceptional user experiences. 

Customer Journey Map for holiday planning
Customer Journey Map illustrating the stages from consideration to preparation, showcasing the emotions, goals, tools, and pain points at each step in the holiday planning process.

While ChatGPT offers a powerful edge in streamlining certain design tasks, it's not a substitute for the depth and nuance of human-led user research.

Understanding users and their needs requires a deeper dive and a human touch.

With our Practical User Research & Strategy course, you’ll integrate practical knowledge into your workflow. Dive into hands-on user research strategy planning so you can pinpoint challenges, execute your research seamlessly, and gain stakeholder buy-in.

Optimizing ChatGPT for UX projects

These methods will make ChatGPT work better so that users have a smoother and more efficient experience.

Integrating ChatGPT into UX design workflows

ChatGPT is a valuable resource for UX designers as it automates tasks that would otherwise require significant time. From brainstorming ideas to synthesizing user research, here’s how it can speed up your UX design process:

1. High-level research

Best Practices: Get initial insights and best practices on various topics and industries. When you prompt questions for research, you'll skip the tedious process of sifting through different sources.

Prompt example: What are the best UX design practices for improving website accessibility for users with disabilities?”

ChatGPT UX design accessibility prompt
ChatGPT's user prompt illustrating the significance of UX design practices in enhancing website accessibility for individuals with disabilities.

Competitor Analysis: Gain a competitive edge by thoroughly analyzing what your competitors are doing. ChatGPT can help dissect their strategies, strengths, and weaknesses.

Prompt example: “Analyze the UX of competitor X’s app and highlight its strengths and weaknesses.”

ChatGPT UX analysis guide
ChatGPT prompt outlining a structured approach to UX analysis for understanding a competitor's app.

Explore User Needs: With ChatGPT, you can identify user pain points early. This will help you create user-centric designs that address real user needs and reduce the risk of costly revisions later in the process.

Prompt example: “List common issues users face with e-commerce mobile apps.”

ChatGPT e-commerce app issues
ChatGPT prompt detailing the typical challenges users encounter with e-commerce mobile apps.

Summarizing Data: Rather than spending hours going through large amounts of datasets, you can condense it into clear, concise summaries.

Prompt example: “Provide a concise summary and key takeaways of the main user complaints from this feedback.”

ChatGPT UX analysis guide
ChatGPT prompt outlining a structured approach to UX analysis for understanding a competitor's app.

2. Ideation

Design Ideas: Searching for design inspiration across various sources can be a time-consuming task. ChatGPT eliminates the need to scour the internet or reference countless design resources. 

Prompt example: “Brainstorm creative UX design ideas for a travel booking website.”

ChatGPT travel UX design ideas
ChatGPT prompt showcasing innovative UX design ideas for enhancing the user experience on travel booking websites.

Feedback and Validation: By seeking feedback and validation through ChatGPT, you gain valuable insights early in the design process. This means you can refine your ideas promptly, ensuring your final design meets user expectations.

Prompt example: Suggest how to improve the user flow and navigation of our e-commerce platform.”

ChatGPT e-commerce navigation tips
ChatGPT prompt illustrating best practices to enhance user navigation and flow on e-commerce platforms.

3. Content Creation 

UX Writing: No more “Lorem ipsum” as your placeholder text. Draft realistic and engaging copy for your design mockups. This will help look them and feel more relatable to your stakeholders.

Prompt example: “Write a 2-sentence product description for a smartwatch targeting millennials.”

ChatGPT smartwatch description for millennials
ChatGPT prompt showcasing a detailed product description for a smartwatch tailored to millennials.

4. User Testing

Crafting Surveys: Generate survey questions tailored to your specific user testing objectives. This frees up your time and reduces the effort required to create surveys from scratch.

Prompt example: “Create survey questions to gather insights into user preferences for a health and fitness app.”

ChatGPT health and fitness app survey
ChatGPT prompt presenting survey questions focused on user preferences for a health and fitness app.

5. Improve User Flow

Automate Support: ChatGPT quickly creates customizable conversation samples, saving time and ensuring users get consistent response.

Prompt example: “Suggest a conversational flow for a customer support chatbot addressing common UX design-related issues.”

ChatGPT customer support chatbot flow
ChatGPT prompt illustrating a conversational flow for customer support chatbots addressing UX design-related issues.

Gathering Feedback: Gathering feedback allows you to identify pain points and areas of improvement in your designs.

Prompt example: “Propose a feedback mechanism post-purchase to understand user satisfaction and relate it to its UX design.”

ChatGPT post-purchase feedback proposal
ChatGPT prompt showcasing a proposal for a post-purchase feedback mechanism to enhance user satisfaction and UX design.

Best practices and pitfalls for using ChatGPT in UX design

Learn how to use ChatGPT effectively in UX design with these best practices and avoid common pitfalls.

Best practices

Here are some tips on how to use ChatGPT more effectively in your UX design process and decision-making: 

  • Start, not end with it: Begin your UX design process with a solid plan, using ChatGPT as a supportive tool, not your sole solution.
  • Test with users: Double-check ChatGPT’s ideas with real people to ensure they align with a positive user experience.
  • Keep it updated: Tell ChatGPT about any new things or changes in your design process so it stays in the loop.
  • Ask clearly: When you talk to ChatGPT, be thorough about what you want to know. It’s important to ask questions clearly for better and more accurate answers.
  • Verify the results: Always fact-check first before presenting ChatGPT’s answers.


ChatGPT is helpful, but there are some drawbacks. Here’s what to look out for:

  • Monotonous responses: Receiving repetitive or generic answers is common. Ensure your ChatGPT prompts are clear and specific to avoid this pitfall.
  • Possible outdated data: As of writing, ChatGPT’s data is up-to-date as of September 2021. Always double-check, especially with rapidly changing topics or data.
  • Over-reliance: Don’t rely solely on ChatGPT to make crucial decisions in your UX design workflow. Your judgment is essential.
  • issing details: Ensure ChatGPT knows enough about the task to help you.

What UX designers think of ChatGPT 

A brief online search reveals the thoughts and experiences of many UX designers who have integrated ChatGPT into their work. They have the same sentiment acknowledge its ability to expedite their workflow, but it's essential to recognize its limitations and stress that it should complement, not substitute for human expertise.

Preston, one of our students, optimized his research process by using ChatGPT in Google Sheets (yes, they have a plug-in!).

With a prompt, he was able to quickly summarize survey responses and extract key insights. Preston improved his research workflow by integrating ChatGPT's automation with the learnings he applied from the Practical User Research and Strategy course.

The future of ChatGPT and UX design

As AI continues to shape the landscape of UX design, ChatGPT's influence is undeniable. Let's explore the ways ChatGPT is shaping the future of UX design.

Using ChatGPT for UX trends

The momentum of AI and its integration into the UX design process shows no signs of slowing down. Here's how ChatGPT is transforming how designers approach their craft: 

  • Streamlined Workflows: ChatGPT can quickly summarize loads of data and help design user surveys, saving designers time and effort.
  • Conversational Tools: ChatGPT helps make technology chat like humans, creating a friendly user chat experience.
  • AI-Powered Testing: Imagine AI predicting if people will like a new design, spotting problems before anyone uses it.
  • Dynamic Designs: Using ChatGPT, the design process can change based on how users interact with them, making for better user experiences.
  • Custom Experiences: With smarter AI, designers can craft unique user experiences for each user without much extra work.

The need for continuous adaptation to AI

With AI’s meteoric rise, designers need to pivot and adapt. AI, like ChatGPT, offers potent tools that streamline design processes, offer insights, and enhance user engagement.

However, success doesn’t lie in merely using AI but blending it with human creativity. By combining human intuition with AI’s precision, designers can craft functional and intuitive user experiences.

Embracing the digital evolution: The power of AI in UX design

AI will continue to play a vital role in the design process for UX designers. ChatGPT offers a new way to work, giving instant feedback and helping predict what users will want. Ultimately, this will enhance the user experience.

It’s more than just using AI — mixing human ideas with tech to make seamless and intuitive designs that connect with users.

ChatGPT alone won't accelerate your UX design career

ChatGPT supercharges your design process, but true UX excellence comes from the depth of human insight and expertise.

To truly thrive and stand out, it takes dedicated learning and refined expertise. Dive deep with our Figma & User Research Course Bundle.

In hours, master end-to-end research and build confidence in forming strategies. You’ll also get access to practical exercises that guide you through a real-world process of research and strategy.

Sharpen your UX design critical skills and build confidence in creating user-centric designs with a strategic business edge under the guidance of industry leader Mizko.

The future of UX design isn't just about using the right tools — it's about the mastery behind the craft.

Michael Wong
Founder of Designership & z0 Studio

Mizko, also known as Michael Wong, brings a 14-year track record as a Founder, Educator, Investor, and Designer. His career evolved from lead designer to freelancer, and ultimately to the owner of a successful agency, generating over $10M in revenue from Product (UX/UI) Design, Web Design, and No-code Development. His leadership at the agency contributed to the strategy and design for over 50 high-growth startups, aiding them in raising a combined total of over $400M+ in venture capital.

Notable projects include: Autotrader (Acquired. by eBay), PhoneWagon (Acquired by CallRails), Spaceship ($1B in managed funds), Archistar ($15M+ raised) and many more.

You can learn more about me on:
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